We are pleased to offer our patients a new technology called Medical Thermography. It is based on over 30 years of research and clinical trails. The technology that we use is FDA approved and produced by Alfa Thermo.
The primary goal of Regulation Thermography is to increase our understanding diagnostically, so that we as practitioners can create the most accurate and advanced treatment protocols for each individual patient.
Regulation Thermography: A Direct Method for the Assessment of Regulation in Functional Medicine
Regulation Thermography is not unlike the cardiologist’s treadmill test. More information about health can be obtained from watching how the body behaves dynamically, than with static blood tests or X-Rays that often miss disorders in their developing stages. Still, imaging anatomy by way of mammography or MRI cannot be substituted by stress physiological methods such as thermography. Even static thermography does not image the internal anatomy that is so necessary for adequate tissue and organ diagnostics. Regulation Thermography represents a major step forward in the field of medical imaging. By assessing the functional capacity of the body’s regulation system, it can provide physicians with increased diagnostic and pre-diagnostic capabilities. Regulation medicine is clearly the next step forward for medical diagnostics as we know it.
The test takes about 30 minutes to complete and consists of taking a set of temperature measurements twice, one set before a ten minute cooling period and one set after the cooling period. The temperature measurements are taken by gently touching the skin at precise areas, called points, on areas of the body, namely the head (mostly on the face), the front of the neck, the front of the torso, the back, the arms, and, for women, the breasts. There are 116 points in one set of measurements, which includes the breast points for women.