• Goal: Drs. Robert and Lisa Abell accompany a patient through the phases of their lives and support their medical issues long term. We talk with a patient every few months while an acute or chronic issue is being addressed.

    The goal of treatment with your doctor is to alleviate your medical issues and to improve your health and well being. This is a step by step process. It is not realistic to alleviate long term medical issues in a 2 month period of time or to continue taking the same remedies given for 2 months long term. If you need support for an acute issue, then only a 2 month protocol may be needed.

    Every 2-3 months, it is beneficial to make a return appointment when you are a new patient to discuss what changes have been made and what symptoms have improved. The doctor will then address any new issues or issues of lesser importance at the next appointment and give an entirely new protocol. Much like building a house, rebuilding the physiology of a patient is a step by step process as different nutrients and homeopathic remedies are needed depending on the organ systems that are being corrected. Many systems work together and need to be corrected in order for specific symptoms to be corrected. An example might be a patient that needs help with severe digestive upset. The small intestine, large intestine, stomach, liver, gallbladder and pancreas may all be affected or only a few organ systems may need to be corrected. This is dependent on the individual.

    Most of the time, the remedies given are meant for a specific purpose for the issues that were discussed with the doctor. When this organ system or gland is healed, it is not necessary to continue to take the same supplement. The doctor will then support other important systems with new remedies. Some vitamin and mineral support can be taken longer term.

    Please ask your doctor if there is any support that you can take longer term. Often as the health of the individual improves, the protocols given are longer term with fewer remedies.

  • 1. Emails are for patients who have had an appointment with either Dr. Robert or Lisa Abell within 2 months of their last appointment.

    If your appointment has been longer than 2 months, please make an appointment in order to discuss any questions that you may have.

    2. It is important to email your doctor if you are having symptoms that need to be addressed.

    3. Email is specifically for the individual that has had the appointment. If there are other individuals in your family that also need support, please make an appointment for them before emailing the doctor.

    4. Thank you for respecting that doctors have many patients and emails to attend to. Thank you for keeping your emails succinct so that they can address your issues and the issues of others.

  • 1. After your new patient appointment, the doctor will email you a 2 month protocol to follow. There are specific directions on the protocol. You will also receive a prescription by email from our private pharmacy for the remedies and the amount of each supplement needed. You will be able to change any item or amount. You may order one month or both months at a time with online payment. The supplements will be sent directly to you by mail.

    2. Taking your remedies:

    *Most remedies are taken either twice or once daily.

    *Once you receive your supplements, there are directions with Unda numbers, homeopathic tubes and Vitamin and Mineral support.

    *Homeopathic tubes and Unda complex numbers can be taken together or separately without any food or drink taken within 5 minutes.

    *Vitamin and Mineral support can be taken 2 minutes before or after the homeopathic tubes and Unda complex numbers.

  • The remedies are designed to help the body eliminate any toxic accumulation over many years of suppression and to support the rebuilding of the body after the accumulation is removed.

    1. Reactions are not necessarily "bad". Patients may have phlegm or some form of elimination while going through the detoxification process. We want eliminations to be removed from the body.

    In order to remodel or rebuild a "house" correctly, the toxic accumulation must be removed before the rebuilding of the home (or body) correctly. This is part of the "process" of healing and repair.

    2. The body can be likened to a hoarder's house. If there is a lot of "trash" in one's house without much elimination, then the process will take as long as is needed to remove all the "trash" from the home or body. Healing does not come from the doctor or from a quick suppressive remedy, but by the removal of the "trash" and the perseverance with the cultivation of the soil of the individual.

    3. If there has been a lot of medical intervention in your history, it may take more time to naturally support the organ systems to work optimally again. As a patient perseveres by taking the remedies and adds baths and other support, the body will begin to have fewer reactions and more healing over a series of months. Our body was designed to heal itself. Our goal is to correct the dysfunction in the organ systems step by step. The remedies do not heal in and of themselves, but the process and protocols synergistically work together to correct the body.

    4. the protocol itself is "designed individually for the patient's specific issues". The synergistic healing comes from all the remedies given together for a specific purpose. When the doctor understands the organ and system imbalances in your body, the doctor then, uses a multitude of biological remedies to support the healing and repair of the organ systems.

  • Homeopathic remedies are dilutions of either a plant, animal or mineral/metal substance. All homeopathic remedies used are labeled with a number dilution like 6C or 200ck. These numbers indicate how many times the remedy has been diluted. For example, 6C is diluted at 10 to the negative 12 or 0.000000000001. As you can see this a a VERY dilute remedy and in no way could be dangerous even if you used a toxic or poisonous substance to make the remedy. 6X is typically the least diluted remedy we would use and it is a 0.000001 dilution. Image what a 200C or 200ck dilution would look like: 10 to the negative 400 or 0.(400 zeros). This is one of the reasons we sleep so well at night as practitioners of homeopathy. We know we can not harm our patients with these remedies.

  • Homeopathy was discovered by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in 1792. Dr. Hahnemann was a German doctor who discovered that when you give very dilute solutions of specific remedies, patients would heal. Homeopathy has been practiced all over the world for longer than modern medicine has been around. Homeopathy has been studied mainly in Europe and India because they are accepted medical treatments. Even the royal family of England have used homeopathy as a primary source of medical treatment since the 1800’s. A great resource to understand the amount of research completed on homeopathy is: https://www.homeopathycenter.org/research-articles/

    This is some of the hundreds of studies that have shown the effectiveness of homeopathy. A resource listed on our Books link is Dr. Bill Gray’s book “Homeopathy - Science vs. Myth” which explains the science behind homeopathy. Anyone who states that homeopathy is not based in science, is ignorant of the research and history of homeopathy.